Planning ahead - great gifts - magazines and classes!
She talks about Christmas, and how you should make your list of who will get gifts, what they will get, and then figure out how much time each gift will take. If your list is like mine, it could take years! That's when the author suggests you rethink your list and make your gifts more manageable.
About this time of year, when it's too hot to think, I like to set up a big basket for winter presents (birthdays, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's). Each thing that is finished gets a little gift card attached to it, so it's ready for spur-of-the-moment gift events, too. The basket is pretty, and seeing the pile of presents stack up and grow makes me feel like I'm making some headway!
Tomorrow - Shelda Eggars is teaching a class on felted Christmast stockings and mittens. They would be very manageable and beautiful gifts! Call the Shoppe today and register!
Another gift idea is magazines. Hillcreek Yarn Shoppe is filled with current knitting, crocheting, weaving, spinning and fiber magazines. And, here's an idea: OLD magazines are wonderful gifts! Last year for my birthday a friend gave me about a foot and a half tall stack of knitting magazines. What a joy! If you don't have a friend willing to part with her stash of magazines, Bex has a collection of old magazines that date back a few years. This is a great way for you to fill the holes in your collection or to find patterns for the new skills you've acquired this year!
Come on in - check the middle bookcase that's got the jewelry, buttons, pins, reference books, patterns, and MAGAZINES in it!